Regional disparities of unemployment in the European Union and in Romania


  • Laura CismaÅŸ Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of TimiÅŸoara
  • Ruxandra Ioana Pitorac Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of TimiÅŸoara
  • Luiela Magdalena Csorba Faculty of Economics, "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad


The regional issues include a variety of events that reflect the persistence of imbalances/ disparities in the development of a country’s regions (the trend of regional divergence).
The major problem faced by all European regions is the high level of long-term unemployment, interregional disparities in this respect being obvious. The many (negative) effects that unemployment generates - both for society and for individuals - fully justify the concerns of the world governments regarding both this reality and the continuous concern for finding solutions on employment at the highest level possible.
These are the reasons why, this paper analyzes the issue of regional disparities of unemployment, in the EU countries, focusing on Romanian regions, using statistical data relevant for this purpose.


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