
  • Rodica Mariana Niculescu Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov, Romania


science(s) of education, pedagogy, curriculum, professional of education professionals of curriculum, practitioners of education and practitioners of curriculum, educational and curriculum reform.


The article is the express of a genuine concern about what it is happening nowadays in education worldwide. In spite of a more and more declared interest for this essential area, the reality rather shows a superficial approach of education both on strategic and tactical levels. Curriculum reforms happen everywhere in the world. On some meridians an educational reform has a starting point and an end. On others they seem to have only a perpetual beginning. Any reform needs a frame of reference with core theoretical bases, but the fundamental aspects of education, including the convergence of the specialty language are still in the middle of the crises. Education itself is considered as a field of anybody’s expertise. The simple access to the power of decision appears that gives the full level of expertise for no matter who has this opportunity of decision power. The paper is an approach of several core issues derived from the expressed concern: (1) The ambiguity and plurisemantics of using basic concepts in the educational field; (2) What is understood by pedagogy and curriculum;( 3)The role of professionals of education. (4)A last part with ten core milestone of curriculum reform in the world considered to be of interest is eventually presented.. This analyze with its conclusions  is based on reflecting upon the specialty literature, and has as fundamentals an experience of more than 42 years as professional of education, from practitioner status until professor, and passing through all of the educational levels, from kindergarten to adults education, acting both in main stream and in special needs sectors. About 30 years of these 42 offered the opportunity of a bird eye scrutinize, based on acting as manager in different educational areas. Thus, some of the expressed opinions could be of interest.


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