
  • Elena MARIN Center For Development And Training In Higher Education
  • Simona IFTIMESCU Center For Development And Training In Higher Education
  • Carmen PROTEASA Center For Development And Training In Higher Education
  • Georgeta ION Center For Development And Training In Higher Education Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Mihaela STÃŽNGU Center For Development And Training In Higher Education


research production, knowledge transfer, knowledge mobilization, policymaking, Romania.


Focusing on the current situation of research in Romania, the aim of this paper is to present several factors that emerge from the process of transferring knowledge into practice at a national level. Presenting and analyzing these potential factors is seen as a way of understanding whether research outcomes are taken into consideration when it comes to the development of educational policies. Results show that in terms of financial factors the Romanian research system is characterized by having a poor level of financing, because the demand for research and development and innovation (RDI) is low and has little or no connection with both the business sector and the public sector. When discussing about the political factor the main aspect is related to the quality of governance that is determined by the administrative capacity, which is still rather weak in comparison to other European countries. Furthermore, an analysis of the research projects funded in the educational sector in the last 5 years in Romania is presented in order to create a picture of how much has been done in Romania when it comes to the development of research outcomes that will later be used to support future educational policy. 


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