
  • Larios GÓMEZ Faculty of Business Administration, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México


Educational strategy, educational management strategies, public university, private university.


The objective was to identify best practices in education management strategies undertaken from their model Educational Management by public and private universities in México. An evaluative research-comparison and a Generic Benchmarking were performed, based on the Model V-Assessment Planning. A "commercial" trend was observed in the public and private universities to invest in infra-structure, offering tangible benefits to customers (students and parents), with modern facilities. It is essential for both quality and structures consolidated for compliance with its basic functions and encourage the creation of new knowledge. Although, private universities must learn from the public universities, for example in areas of research, development and promotion of science. In addition to a comprehensive educational model (research, teaching, extension, Academic Programs, internationalization, Teaching-Learning Process, Social Impact, Bonding, Philosophy and Institutional Financing). And in the superstructure Public Private must learn, as it has a sound and reliable organizational vision for their operation because it works from a commercial approach to achieving institutional and economic objectives.


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