
  • Daniela Dimitrova-RADOJICHIKJ Faculty of Philosophy, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, R. Macedonia
  • Biljana STERJADOSKA-STOJCHEVSKA Montessori centre, Macedonian Montessori Association, R Macedonia


students with blindness and visual impairments, typical development students, knowing, attitudes


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and
attitudes of typical students towards students with blindness and
visual impairment (BVI)and if the 4-day training for blindness and
visual impairment will result in more positive attitudes about
students with BVI.Attitudes of 30 participants (18 females, 12 males)
were assessed by questionnaire. Effects of 4-day course were tested
by comparing pre-training and post-training answer of typical
students. After the course, students showed a significant increase in
their knowledge about students with BVI (t =-5.794; p < .05).
Median response at initial questionnaire was 15.5 (+8.46) and at
finally questionnaire were 2 5.8 (+3.26). This finding is consistent
with the increase in correct answers on the pre-post testing.We can
conclude that many of the problems of inclusion of children with
BVI can be avoided or reduced if the typical development children
have prior information about visual impairment and blindness.


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