
  • Bugay TURHAN *Hacettepe University (TURKEY)


Erasmus Program, Student Mobility, Competences, Higher Education.


The Erasmus Program  is an European Union  (EU) student exchange programme established in 1987. Erasmus+ is the new program combining all the EU's education, training, youth and sport programs, which was started in January 2014.The program built on the 1981–1986 pilot student exchanges, it was formally start of the academic year 1987-1988, 3,244 students to participate in Erasmus in its first year. In 2006, over 150,000 students participate to the Program. In the past twenty years, over two million students have benefited from Erasmus grants. Hacettepe University is one of the important and leading players in Erasmus+ Program in Turkey. Hacettepe is well aware of benefits of work experience for the students such as: Future employability with better conditions and gain improved competences.

With this research, 456 Erasmus students of Hacettepe University benefiting the Erasmus Mobility asked to evaluate how they developed their soft competences during their Erasmus period abroad such as; Team work, ability to organize their work, problem solving skills and analytical skills. When we look at the some of the findings;

- They feel that they developed their analytical skills,

- They believe they feel more competent about foreign language after the program

- They think they are more interested in world issues.

- They believe they are more sensitive to the other cultures.

-  They developed their adaptation ability to the new environments.

The results of this study showed that international student mobility in Hacettepe had a positive impact on the developing their competences.

This research, may be important in two aspects: The students and their families may benefit from the outcomes of the study to when they are questioning to the participating the Erasmus Program or any other international exchange. And, It is thought that the findings of the research may be beneficial for both university and Program stake 

holders by leading to the development of the program and the preparation of the students for the international exchanges.

Depending on the research results it can be recommended that a similar research can be administered in the different universities at both national and international sample


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