Building Industry Enterprises Logistic System according to their Life-cycle and Organizational Adaptation


  • Natalya Voznenko Faculty of International Economics Relations “Simon Kuznets Kharkiv” National University of Economics
  • Teodora Roman Faculty of Economics and Business Administration “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University


machinery-building industry, logistic system, organizational adaptation, company’s life cycle


This article presents a survey of the Ukrainian machinery-building industry enterprises performance in 2012-2014 due to the state of their logistic systems development and companies’ life-cycle stage. The review of existing theoretical approaches shows the range of possible criteria for evaluation at each level of the industry, enterprise and product. The conducted research evaluates the Ukrainian machinery-building industry and the companies that create that potential. The peculiarities of the organizational adaptation of the above mentioned enterprises and the developed recommendations will help to establish an adaptive management and gain enterprises’ market competitiveness.


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