
  • Gabriela VANCU Lecturer, PhD, “Aurel Vlaicu” University Arad


juvenile delinquency, methods of psychological intervention


During adolescence years, teenagers are more
exposed and more susceptible to delinquency due to high
levels of temptations, rebellious and affective instability.
Being so exposed and vulnerable, in these situations of
risk, the parents role in this can be overwhelming, followed
by psycho-pedagogical counseling or educational
counseling as a form of prevention in delinquent behavior
and problem solving that students may face.
Starting from these considerations, the interest granted to
the domain is justified by a large number of
psychologists/psychiatrists, due to the fact that these
deviations of human behavior have an antisocial feature
which is concerned about delicacy. Therefore, delinquency
and criminality involve tackling the issue of juvenile
The main purpose of the present research in a school
from Arad Country, was the in-depth knowledge of
juvenile delinquency, in which the causes of this problem
and the identification of the psychological interference
could lead to the minimization of this phenomenon.


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