
  • Tiberiu DUGHI “Aurel Vlaicu” University
  • Sonia IGNAT PhD, Assist. Prof., „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad


values orientation, locus of control, teachers


Values Orientation and Locus of Control, the
assumption of responsibility, are the two major factors that I
hilghlighted in this study. I considered these features
important especially for school managers in using this
information for the proffesional organisation of teachers. A
Locus of Control and a values orientation towards
proffesional values represent the features that can help the
growth of proffesional efficiency. Through this study there
has been used a sample of availability of 172 teachers of
different ages from urban and country school working at
different school levels. As instruments for this study there
has been used the list of values and quizzes for locus of
control. The obtained result were statistically adapted by
being accentuated some significant correlations between the
types of values towards the teachers are oriented.


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