
  • Claudiu Mihail ROMAN Social worker, PhD student, Doctoral School of Sociology West University of TimiÅŸoara
  • Rodica COJAN Attorney, Director Emergency Center for homeless people ,TimiÅŸoara


homeless, communication, social services


Building on existing social realities, in correlation with needs, in Timisoara, services for homeless adults have been developed, in terms of both public social infrastructure and also governmental initiatives. The first initiatives developed at the community level were NGOs that started providing assistance based on actual needs and not covered by the public system - shelter and food. Currently the social infrastructure is relatively settled, two NGOs and a social center belonging to public services come to answer the existential needs of a marginalized category of beneficiaries - homeless people.


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Consiliul Local al Municipiului Timişoara - Procedura de admitere în Centrul Social De Urgenţă pentru Persoane fără Adăpost cu Cantină Socială Timişoara



