
  • Daniela CÄ‚PRIOARÄ‚ Associate Professor, Ph. D Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Ovidius University of Constanta
  • Mădălina MICU Student, Master’s Degree Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Ovidius University of Constanta


overstress, learning process, cognitive overstress, obstacle, overloaded schedule


An issue, with which the contemporary Romanian school is confronted with, in all its dimensions, is brought more and more frequently into discussion. Whether it is about the fact that the students have to learn too much, and usually things that seem to be of no use, or that the students’ schedule is extremely overloaded, and thus they neglect their rest and meal schedules putting their health in jeopardy or the fact that the teachers are assigned with so many responsibilities, many of which exceed their pedagogical tasks, it all reduces to a single term: overstress.

What are the causes of this phenomenon and how can its consequences on the middle school level students be diminished? These are issues for which this study attempts to find some answers.


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*** The National Education Law (Legea educației naționale) 1/2011

*** The Order of the Minister of the National Education and Scientific Research, no. 3590/2016, published in Romania’s Official Gazette, part I, no. 446/15.VI.2016 (Ordinului ministrului educației naționale și cercetării științifice, nr. 3590/2016, publicat în Monitorul oficial al României, partea I, nr. 446/15.VI.2016)

*** The Order of the Minister of the National Education and Scientific Research no. 5893/28.11.2016 (Ordinului ministrului educației naționale și cercetării științifice nr. 5893/28.11.2016)


