
  • Gabriela VANCU Lecturer, PhD, “Aurel Vlaicu” University Arad


Goal: The present study investigates the
efficiency of a psychological intervention for students
who show symptoms of anxiety. What motivates this
study is the fact that the psychologist must not only
evaluate and monitor students psychological evolution,
but also to intervene in a preventive or therapeutic way.
Methods and instruments: Out of the students we
evaluated periodically, we selected 19 individuals who
showed higher level of anxiety symptoms, in order to
include them in a psychological intervention program.
The intervention targeted cognitive aspects: positive
reformulation of experiences, emotional aspects:
awareness and acceptance of intense emotions and a
behavioral aspect: development of new or improved
coping strategies. The intervention comprised of six
meeting. Pre-intervention and post-intervention
psychological assessment was done with Hamilton
Anxiety Scale.
Results: The scores for anxiety symptoms, for the entire
lot, were significantly lower post-intervention than
those pre-intervention, showing a decrease in the
intensity of symptoms. Yet, 4 of the 19 subjects showed
stagnation or an increase of scores, indicating no
improvement of symptoms.
Conclusions: The short intervention we proposed had
positive outcomes in most cases, 79% of participants
showed significant decrease in symptoms. In the caseswere the intervention showed no improvements we intend to continue it with the consent of participants.



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